Thursday, November 19, 2009

T minus 4 days

These countdowns and count ups keep changing, but hopefully this will be the last time, as I start my new job at the Northwest Herald on Monday. So, the question becomes, how do I fill my days until I start my new job? Today, I'm watching the first season of the original Transformers cartoon. Tomorrow, I may need to go out and buy season 2.1.

The original cartoon, from 25 years ago, is starting to fall into "so bad it's good" territory, although it's certainly better than a lot of other fare from back in the day (I'm looking straight at you, Thundercats - I can't even watch a full episode of that anymore). The best example I have right now is in the first episode, when CLiffjumper and Hound are doing recon and find the Decepticons. Instead of listening to Optimus Prime's orders of "Just find 'em," CLiffjumper aims his weapon. When questioned, he says he has Megatron dead center in his viewfinder. So he fires... and misses. I thought you had him dead center?

I'm sure I'll have more moments like this over the course of the next 16 episodes. I can't wait.

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